Welcome! to the next stage of  human evolution

The new earth project, a system that is designed to bring about a new world that is created by the people and is for the people

Our Mission

We are creating a new paradigm, a new world where humans are no longer struggling to survive. Where true freedom exists. The system we are currently using does not work. It is not designed for the people, it is time for change. Paying to live is not natural, it is the root cause of a lot of our problems. We need to adopt a system where all of our basic needs are met, which is why we are creating a system where housing and food is provided to you for free

Using advancements in 3D printing technology we will create a new infrastructure in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. We will then focus on growing organic food and hemp. The hemp will be used to replace all of the toxic products we are currently using. The final step is to integrate blockchain technology in order to create a governing system that is truly equal, one that caters to the people

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3D Printing

There is currently a huge demand for affordable housing, 3D printing is the only system that can fulfill that demand. 3D printing is much more efficient and sustainable than conventional building methods. Initially, we will be partnering with WASP TECLA to build sustainable homes using natural materials like earth and clay. As we develop and profit from selling hemp products we will upgrade the machinery and the designs of the homes. The end goal is to create a solarpunk type society and usher in a golden age on earth

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Hemp, the magical plant that can do it all. Hemp has been used for thousands of years and is known for its fast growing properties and diversity of uses. The new earth will be a hemp based society, a society that prioritizes the health of the planet and its citizens. We are currently over producing toxic materials, hemp will replace those materials. Hemp can be used to make plastic, clothing, wood, steel, fuel, paper and food. The list is truly endless! We will then use the profits from selling hemp products to continue to expand

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Decentralized Autonomous Organization

The new earth will operate as a decentralized autonomous organization(DAO). Using blockchain technology we will be able to create a governing system that focuses on equality and is for the people. A DAO allows for full transparency. Allowing strangers to trust each other and come together to work on a specific project. A DAO is like a company except there is no central leadership. Decisions get made from the bottom-up, it is governed by a community organized around a specific set of rules. In the new earth, anybody will be able to make suggestions on changes of how we should move forward, the rest of the citizens will then vote, if the majority agrees the changes will be implemented. Making it an adaptive governing system that is catered to the community

All of the citizens will be given free housing, food and internet in exchange for helping build and maintain this system. By signing up you are taking part in the revolution. You are helping to build a new world and usher in a golden age on earth

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